42 Project Manager Self-Evaluation Comments Examples

As a project manager, self-evaluation is a crucial part of improving your skills and achieving success in your role. By regularly assessing your strengths and weaknesses, you can identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance your performance. In this article, we will provide some self-evaluation techniques and examples of self-evaluation comments for project managers.

One example of a self-evaluation technique is to conduct a personal SWOT analysis. This involves identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By analyzing these factors, you can gain a better understanding of your skills and the areas where you need to improve. For example, if you identify that your communication skills are a weakness, you can develop strategies to improve your communication with team members and stakeholders.

Another self-evaluation technique is to solicit feedback from others. This can include feedback from team members, stakeholders, and other project managers. By gathering feedback from others, you can gain a better understanding of how others perceive your performance and identify areas where you can improve. For example, if a team member provides feedback that you need to be more organized in your project planning, you can develop strategies to improve your planning skills. Learn more: How to Gather Honest Employee Feedback Effectively

Why Self-Evaluation is Important for Project Managers

Benefits of Self-Evaluation

The Impact of Self-Evaluation on Professional Development

Self-evaluation can have a significant impact on your professional development as a project manager. By regularly evaluating your own performance, you can:

Project Manager Self-Evaluation Examples

Communication Skills:

Project managers need to have strong communication skills to effectively convey project goals, objectives, and expectations to team members, stakeholders, and clients.

Examples of positive comments:

Examples of comments that indicate a need for improvement:

Leadership Skills:

Project managers are responsible for guiding their team towards successful project completion. Assess your ability to inspire and motivate team members, delegate tasks, and provide guidance and support when needed.

Examples of positive comments:

Examples of comments that indicate a need for improvement:

37 Analytical Skills Self Evaluation Comments Examples
Time Management Skills:

Project managers need to be able to manage their time effectively to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget. Reflect on your ability to prioritize tasks, manage deadlines, and make efficient use of your time.

Examples of positive comments:

Examples of comments that indicate a need for improvement:

Problem-Solving Skills:

Project managers need to be able to identify and address problems that arise during the project lifecycle. Assess your ability to analyze problems, develop effective solutions, and implement them in a timely manner.

Examples of positive comments:

Examples of comments that indicate a need for improvement:

Technical Skills:

Project managers need to have a solid understanding of the technical aspects of the project, including project management methodologies, tools, and software. Reflect on your technical skills and identify areas where you may need to improve.

Examples of positive comments:

Examples of comments that indicate a need for improvement:

Teamwork Skills:

Project managers need to be able to work collaboratively with team members and stakeholders to ensure the success of the project. Assess your ability to build strong relationships, communicate effectively, and resolve conflicts.

Examples of positive comments:

Examples of comments that indicate a need for improvement:


Project managers need to be able to adapt to changing circumstances and adjust their plans accordingly. Assess your ability to be flexible, open-minded, and willing to learn from mistakes.

Examples of positive comments:

Examples of comments that indicate a need for improvement:

Example of a Project Manager Self-Evaluation

“As a project manager, I believe that I have been able to effectively manage projects and ensure that they are completed on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. Here are some specific examples of my accomplishments over the past year:

  1. Project Planning: I am skilled at developing project plans that are comprehensive and aligned with business objectives. For example, I recently led a project to develop a new software application for a client. I worked closely with the client to understand their requirements and developed a detailed project plan that included timelines, milestones, and resource allocation.
  2. Communication: I am able to communicate effectively with all stakeholders, including clients, team members, and senior management. I regularly provided project status updates to the client and ensured that they were informed of any issues or risks that could impact the project. I also held regular team meetings to ensure that all team members were aligned and working towards common goals.
  3. Risk Management: I proactively identify and address potential project risks and issues. I recently identified a potential risk related to the availability of a key resource. I worked with the resource manager to ensure that the resource was available when needed and developed a contingency plan in case the resource was not available.
  4. Team Management: I am able to foster a positive team culture and encourage collaboration and open communication. For example, I recently led a team of developers to develop a new software application. I encouraged the team to work together and share ideas, which resulted in a more innovative and effective solution.
  5. Budget Management: I am able to manage project budgets effectively and ensure that projects are completed within budget constraints. I recently led a project to develop a new marketing campaign for a client. I worked closely with the client to understand their budget constraints and developed a project plan that was aligned with their budget.
  6. Quality Management: I am able to manage project quality effectively and ensure that deliverables meet or exceed client expectations: I recently led a project to develop a new website for a client. I worked closely with the client to ensure that the website was user-friendly and met their branding guidelines.
  7. Continuous Learning: I am committed to continuous learning and development to improve my skills as a project manager. I recently attended a project management conference where I learned about new project management methodologies and tools.

Overall, I believe that I have been successful in my role as a project manager. However, there are areas where I can improve. Here are some areas where I plan to focus on in the coming year:

  1. Delegation: While I am able to delegate tasks and responsibilities effectively, I sometimes struggle with delegating authority. I plan to work on delegating more authority to team members to empower them to make decisions and take ownership of their work.
  2. Conflict Management: While I am able to manage conflict and resolve issues in a constructive manner, I sometimes struggle with managing conflicts that involve team members with different personalities or work styles. I plan to work on developing my conflict management skills to better handle these types of situations.
  3. Process Improvement: While I am able to identify and implement process improvements to increase project efficiency and effectiveness, I sometimes struggle with identifying areas where improvements can be made. I plan to work on developing my process improvement skills to better identify areas for improvement.
  4. Time Management: While I am able to manage project schedules effectively, I sometimes struggle with managing my own time. I plan to work on developing better time management strategies to ensure that I am able to balance competing priorities and meet project deadlines.

In conclusion, I believe that I have been able to effectively manage projects and achieve project success, and I am committed to continuous learning and development to improve my skills as a project manager and ensure that I am able to meet the evolving needs of clients and stakeholders.”

Self-Evaluation Questions for Project Managers

As a project manager, it is important to evaluate your performance regularly. Here are some self-evaluation questions that can help you assess your skills and identify areas for improvement:

45 Self Evaluation Sample Answers: Strengths and Weaknesses

Self-Evaluation Template for Project Managers

In addition to asking yourself questions, you can also use a self-evaluation template to assess your performance. Here is an example of a self-evaluation template for project managers:

Skill/Competency Rating (1-5) Comments/Examples
Communication 4 “I effectively communicated project goals and expectations to my team through regular team meetings and individual check-ins.”
Resource Management 3 “While I was able to manage project resources effectively, I could have been more efficient in allocating resources to specific tasks.”
Risk Management 5 “I identified and addressed project risks in a timely manner, which helped to mitigate potential issues and keep the project on track.”
Time Management 4 “I met project deadlines and deliverables, but could have improved my time management skills by delegating tasks more effectively.”
Leadership 4 “I maintained a positive and productive work environment for my team by providing clear guidance and support, and addressing conflicts in a timely and professional manner.”

How to Use Self-Evaluation to Improve Performance

Using Self-Evaluation to Identify Areas for Improvement

Self-evaluation is an excellent tool for identifying areas where you can improve your performance as a project manager. By taking a step back and looking at your work objectively, you can see where you might be falling short and what you can do to improve. One way to do this is to ask yourself questions like “What are my strengths and weaknesses?” and “What areas do I need to work on?”.

Using Self-Evaluation to Set New Goals

Another way to use self-evaluation is to set new goals for yourself. By identifying areas where you need to improve, you can set goals that will help you achieve the level of performance you want. For example, if you realize that you need to improve your communication skills, you might set a goal to attend a public speaking course or to practice your communication skills in team meetings.

31 Technical Skills Self Evaluation Comments Examples

Using Self-Evaluation to Measure Progress

Once you have identified areas for improvement and set new goals, self-evaluation can help you measure your progress. By regularly evaluating your performance, you can see how far you have come and what you still need to work on. This can be motivating and help you stay on track.

Using Self-Evaluation to Receive Constructive Feedback

Self-evaluation can help you receive constructive feedback from others. By asking your team members, colleagues, and superiors for feedback on your performance, you can get a better understanding of how others perceive you. This can help you make adjustments and improvements to your work.

How Self-Evaluation Can Help in Performance Reviews

Self-evaluation is an essential tool that project managers can use to prepare for performance reviews. By evaluating their own performance, project managers can identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals for improvement, and develop a plan to achieve those goals. This process can help project managers identify areas where they need additional training or support, and can also help them communicate their accomplishments and contributions to their supervisors.

During a performance review, project managers can use their self-evaluation as a starting point for discussion with their supervisor. This can help ensure that the review is focused on specific goals and accomplishments, rather than generalities or subjective impressions. By using specific examples and data to support their self-evaluation, project managers can demonstrate their value to the organization and make a strong case for recognition and advancement.

Using Self-Evaluation for Career Development

Self-evaluation can also be a valuable tool for career development. By reflecting on their own skills, interests, and goals, project managers can identify opportunities for growth and development within their current role or in other areas of the organization. This can help project managers take ownership of their career path and make informed decisions about their professional development.

In addition to identifying areas for growth and development, self-evaluation can also help project managers build a case for promotion or advancement. By demonstrating their strengths and accomplishments, project managers can make a strong case for why they are ready for new challenges and responsibilities.

How Self-Evaluation Can Help with Promotion

Self-evaluation can be particularly valuable when seeking promotion or advancement. By reflecting on their own skills, accomplishments, and contributions to the organization, project managers can build a strong case for why they are ready for a new role or increased responsibility. This can help project managers demonstrate their value to the organization and make a compelling case for promotion. In addition to building a case for promotion, self-evaluation can also help project managers prepare for the interview process. By reflecting on their own accomplishments and contributions, project managers can develop compelling responses to interview questions and demonstrate their readiness for the new role.