DLGF Forms

To access all Department of Local Government Finance forms please visit the State Forms Online Catalog available HERE.

State Form Number Form Title
(Form 115)
Notification of Final Assessment Determination
(Form 114 PP)
Notice of Hearing on Petition - Personal Property
(Form 138)
Notice of Defect in Completion of Assessment Appeal Form
(Form 114)
Notice of Hearing on Petition - Real Property (By County Tax Assessment Board of Appeals)
(Form 137 TP)
Petition for Waiver of Penalties Against a Taxpayer or Taxpayers Representative on Real or Personal Property
(Form 134)
Joint Report by Taxpayer/Assessor to the County Board of Appeals of a Preliminary Informal Meeting
(Form 130)
Taxpayer's Notice to Initiate an Appeal
55853 Standard Form Agreement to Forego PTABOA Hearing ot to Stipulate to Assessed Value by way of Appraisal
State Form Form Title
(Form 2)
Notice of Assessment of Mobile Home
786 Notice of Assessment Registration
7878 Mobile Home Permit
(Form G & O-1)
Property Schedule for Gas and Oil Well Assessment
(Form 122)
Report of Assessment for Omitted or Undervalued Property Assessment and Assessment Penalty
(Form 137R)
Petition for Survey and Reassessment - Real and Personal Property Partially or Totally Destroyed by Disaster
18158 Real Property Assessor's Book
18160 Personal Property Assessor's Book
(Form 34 C)
Certification by County Assessor (of Railroad and Public Utility Assessments)
(Form 34 T)
Certification by Township Assessor (of Railroad and Public Utility Assessments)
(Form 11)
Notice of Assessment of Land and Improvements (Form 11)
(Form 11-A)
Notice of Assessment of Apartment Property (Form 11-A)
21368 Township Report to County Assessor
(Form 111/PP)
Notice of Review of Current Year's Assessment
(Form 113/PP)
Notice of Assessment / Change (By An Assessing Official)
(Form 122A)
Report to County Auditor of Added Assessments and Assessment Penalties
(Form 113)
Notice of Assessment by Assessing Official
46885 Application for Wetland Adjustment to Land Assessed Using the Agricultural Soil Productivity Method
(Form 29 MH)
Annually Assessed Mobile Home Assessor's Book
(Form 135)
Affidavit of Destroyed or Removed Property
(Form CF-1/Real Property)
Compliance with Statement of Benefits - Real Estate Improvements
(Form SB-1/Real Property)
Statement of Benefits - Real Estate Improvements
(Form SB-1 / VBD)
Statement of Benefits Vacant Building Deduction
(Form CF-1 / VBD)
Compliance with Statement of Benefits Vacant Building Deduction
53949 Petition for Review of Order Making Annual Adjustments to Assessed Valuation
(Form 137PF)
Petition for Survey and Reassessment Real Property that is Permanently Flooded or Access is Permanently Prevented by Flooding
55928 Prescribed Contract for New Construction Review
55929 Prescribed Contract for Annual Adjustments
55930 Prescribed Contract for Annual Adjustments and Cyclical Reassessment
55931 Prescribed Contract for Computer Software, Services, and Equipment
55932 Prescribed Contract for Cyclical Reassessment
55972 Limited Delegation of Authority for Entering and Editing Data in the Indiana Gateway Website - PTABOA
State Form Form Title
(Form HC10)
Homestead Deductions Claim for Homestead Property Tax Standard / Supplemental Deduction
54890 Homestead Deduction Change of Use Notice of Change of Use on Property Receiving the Homestead Standard Deduction
43708 Over 65 Deduction
Over 65 Circuit Breaker Credit
Application for Senior Citizen Property Tax Benefits
57323 County Option Circuit Breaker Credit Application for County Option Circuit Breaker Credit
43710 Blind/Disabled Deduction Application for Blind or Disabled Person's Deduction from Assessed Valuation
12662 Disabled Veteran Deductions Application for Tax Deduction for Disabled Veterans, WWI Veterans and Surviving Spouses of Certain Veterans
(Form 322)
Rehabilitated Residential Property Deduction Application for Deduction from Assessment on Rehabilitated Property
(Form 322A)
Rehabilitated Property Deduction Application for Deduction from Assessed Valuation of Rehabilitated Structures Over 50 Year Old
(Form SES/WPD)
Environmental Deductions Statement for Deduction of Assessed Valuation (Attributed to Solar Energy System/Wind, Geothermal or Hydroelectric Power Device)
45651 Fertilizer Storage Deduction Statement for Deduction of Assessed Valuation (Fertilizer and Pesticide Storage Improvements)
53812 Model Residence Deduction Application for Model Residence Deduction
54861 Residence in Inventory Deduction Application for Residence In Inventory Deduction
(Form RE-CCP)
Building Constructed of Coal Combustion Products Deduction Statement for Deduction of Assessed Valuation Building Constructed of Coal Combustion Products
(Form 322/VBD)
Real Property Vacant Building Deduction Application for Deduction from Assessed Valuation - Real Property Vacant Building Deduction
55706 Heritage Barn Deduction Statement of Deduction of Assessed Valuation Attributed to Heritage Barn
(Form 322/RE)
Real Property Tax Abatement Deduction Economic Revitalization Area Abatement for Real Property
State Form Form Title
(Form 136)
Real Property
Application for Property Tax Exemption
(Form 120)
Notice of Action on Exemption Application
(Form 136-CO/U)
Change of Ownership
of Exempt Property
Notice of Change of Ownership of Exempt Property

If you desire to obtain a personal property form from a prior year, please contact the DLGF with your request.

State Form Form Title
(Form 103-Short)
Must be filed with Form 104. Business Tangible Personal Property Return
(Form 103-Long)
Must be filed with Form 104. For use by manufacturers or processors; if business personal property is greater than $150,000; if filer wishes to claim deductions other than enterprise zone or investment; if filer is claiming special adjustments (equipment not placed in service, special tooling, permanently retired equipment, or abnormal obsolescence). Business Tangible Personal Property Assessment Return
(Form 102)
Must be filed with Form 104. Farmer's Tangible Personal Property Assessment Return
(Form 102-EL)
Equipment List for New Additions to ERA Deduction New Farm Equipment in Economic Revitalization Area
(Form 102-ERA)
Schedule of Deduction from Assessed Valuation New Farm Equipment in Economic Revitalization Area
(Form 104)
Must be filed with Form 102 or 103. Business Tangible Personal Property Return
(Form 103-SR)
For use by taxpayers with personal property in more than one township in a county. Must be filed with Form 104-SR. Single Return - Business Tangible Personal Property
(Form 104-SR)
Must be filed with Form 103-SR. Single Return - Business Tangible Personal Property
(Form 103-N Schedule 1)
For use in reporting all personal property in Schedule I or II held, possessed or controlled. Filed with Form 102 or 103. Information Return of Not Owned Personal Property
(Form 103-O)
For use when personal property is owned by the filer, but held, possessed or controlled by another person. Filed with Form 102 or 103. Information Return of Owned Personal Property
(Form 106)
For use in detailing adjustments. Must be filed with Form 103 or 102. Schedule of Adjustments to Business Tangible Personal Property Return
(Form 103-ERA)
Must be field with Form 103-Long to receive deduction. Schedule of Deduction from Assessed Valuation Personal Property in Economic Revitalization Area
(Form 103-T)
Must be filed with Form 103-Long. Return of Special Tools
(Form EZ-2)
For use in claiming personal property deduction for property in an Enterprise Zone. Enterprise Zone Investment Deduction Application
(Form CF-1/PP)
Must be filed with Form 103-ERA. Compliance with Statement of Benefits Personal Property
(Form SB-1/PP)
Must be submitted to the body designating the Economic Revitalization Area prior to the public hearing. Statement of Benefits Personal Property
(Form 103-I)
For use in reporting true tax value of interstate carriers. Return for Interstate Carriers
(Form 103-P)
For use by Industrial Waste Control Facilities to claim an exemption from assessment. Must be filed with Form 103 to be reviewed. Claim for Exemption of Air or Water Pollution Control Facilities
(Form 103-SPD)
Supporting Schedule for Deduction of Assessed Valuation on a Personal Property Solar Power Device
(Form 103-EL)
Must be filed with new manufacturing and development, logistical distribution and/or IT equipment claimed on Form 103-ERA. Equipment List for New Additions to ERA Deduction Personal Property in Economic Revitalization Area
(Form 103-IT)
For use in claiming the exemption under IC 6-1.1-10-44. Claim for Exemption of Enterprise Information Technology Equipment
(Form 103-CTP)
Schedule of Deduction from Assessed Valuation Personal Property in Certified Technology Park
(Form 103-CTP/EL)
Must be filed when any new property is claimed on Form 103-CTP Equipment List for New Additions to CTP Deduction Personal Property in Certified Technology Park
(Form PP-CCP)
For use by manufacturers using recycled coal combustion products. Must be filed by May 15 with the county auditor. Statement for Deduction of Assessed Valuation (Investment Property Purchased by Manufacturers of Recycled Coal Combustion Products)
(Form MOD-1)
For use in summarizing deductions from assessed value of property located in a Maritime Opportunity District. Must be filed with the Form 103. Application for Deduction from Assessed Valuation - Maritime Opportunity District
(Form 103-P5)
For use by integrated steel mill or entity that is at least 50 percent owned by an affiliate of an integrated steel mill; and falls within Asset Class 33.4 Business Tangible Personal Property Depreciable Assets in Pool 5
(Form 103-P5/ERA)
Must be filed with Form 103-Long. A separate schedule must be completed for each approved abatement (Form SB-1/PP). Schedule of Deduction from Assessed Value Pool 5 Property in Economic Revitalization Area
(Form SB-1/AG PP)
Statement of Benefits Personal Property - New Farm Equipment
State Form Form Title
(U.D Form 32)
Annual Report - Railroad Property
(U.D. Form 45)
Annual Report
Report of Railcar Tax
(Schedule A-4)
Water Pollution Control Equipment
(Schedule A-3)
Air Pollution Control Equipment
(Schedule A-5)
REMC Schedule
(Schedule A-6)
Pipe Valuation
(Schedule A-7)
Utility Distributable Property of Pipeline Companies
(Schedule A-8)
Value of Buses and Tires
(Form SB-1/UD)
Statement of Benefits - Utility Distributable Property
(Form UD-ERA)
Schedule of Deduction from Assessed Valuation Utility Distributable Property in Economic Revitalization Area
(Form CF-1/UD)
Compliance with Statement of Benefits - Utility Distributable Property

General DLGF Forms

State Form Form Title
23261 Power of Attorney
(Form 1)
Notice of Placing of Mobile Home Upon Land or Lot
(Form CVTT-1)
Commercial Vessel Tonnage Tax Return
Sales Disclosure Form (Please contact your county assessor for submission instructions.)
55632 Sales Disclosure Part 1(A)
57017 Sales Disclosure Form Addendum - Agricultural or Residential Property
57018 Sales Disclosure Form Addendum - Commercial or Industrial Property
50055 Indiana Residential Property Record Card
50056 Indiana Commercial and Industrial Property Record Card
50057 Indiana Agricultural Property Record Card
52694 County Option Dog Tax
(Form TS-1A)
Tax Statement Documentation Bundle
(Form TS-1P)
Tax Statement - Provisional
53954 Authorization for Receipt of Electronic Property Tax Statements
54193 Certificate of Net Assessed Valuations to the Department of Local Government Finance
55042 Request for Electronic Transmission of Statements and Other Information
55800 Application for Certification as a Professional Appraiser
55801 Homestead Database / Assessor-Edit Login Request
55802 Level III Assessor-Appraiser Application
55804 Approved Level III Assessor-Appraiser Course Sponsor – Course Approval Application
55805 Indiana Tax Representative Application
55806 Level III Certified Assessor-Appraiser Course Sponsor Application
55809 Level I, II, or Level III Assessor-Appraiser Certification Continuing Education Credit
57119 Level I, II, or Level III Assessor-Appraiser Certification Continuing Education Credit for Online Course or Webinar
55811 Relinquishment of Authority and Limited Delegation of Authority for Submitting School Data through the Gateway Website and Authorizing Additional Website Users
55865 Ordinance / Resolution for Appropriations and Tax Rates (Form 4)
55883 Guaranteed Savings Contract Provider Application
55886 Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract Annual Savings Report
55888 Petition for Review of Proposed Controlled Project
56012 Voluntary Waiver of Assessor-Auditor Appraiser Certification and Tax Representative Certification
56028 Written Request for Waiver From Implementation of Protected Taxes Under IC 6-1.1-20.6-9.9
56707 Annexation Report
56059 TIF Allocation Area Real Property Base Neutralization Worksheet
56327 Limited Delegation of Authority for Entering and Editing Data in the Indiana Gateway Website for City or Town Units
56328 Limited Delegation of Authority for Entering and Editing Data in the Indiana Gateway Website for Budget Access - Binding Review Units
56329 Limited Delegation of Authority for Entering and Editing Data in the Indiana Gateway Website for County Units
56330 Limited Delegation of Authority for Entering and Editing Data in the Indiana Gateway Website for Solid Waste Management Districts
56331 Limited Delegation of Authority for Entering and Editing Data in the Indiana Gateway Website for Townships, Libraries, Schools or Conservancy Districts
56332 Limited Delegation of Authority for Entering and Editing Data in the Indiana Gateway Website for Special Districts
56485 Limited Delegation of Authority for Entering and Editing Data in the Indiana Gateway Website for County Assessor Associated Applications

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